Most Expensive Toilet Paper

expensive-toilet-paper1 Do you ever feel like your toilet paper doesn’t communicate your wealth as well as it could? Fortunately for anyone who has, that insurmountable problem has been surmounted by Renovo, makers of the most expensive toilet paper in the world.

Renovo’s luxury toilet paper is the ultimate in luxury toiletries. This soft TP is made of 100% virgin pulp for maximum softness. It’s three-ply and colorfast. Yes, you read that right—it’s colorfast. Renovo’s designer toilet paper comes in six different colors—black, red, green, orange, blue and fuchsia.

Renovo toilet paper is priced from just over $3 for a single roll to $7.60 for six rolls. It can be seen—and, I suppose, used—in upscale restaurant and hotel bathrooms in the US, Canada and Europe.

[Source: Most-Expensive Journal]