Most Expensive BlackBerries

Knalihs Athem BlackBerry Bold RIM’s BlackBerry has come a long way in the years since its introduction as a two-way pager in 1999. Known for its push e-mail feature, the BlackBerry series held a place among the elite smartphones before anyone had even heard of an iPhone.

If that doesn’t scream “Cover it in diamonds,” well, I don’t know what does.

Swiss luxury designer Knalihs Athem has created a suitably expensive BlackBerry. Each Knalihs Athem BlackBerry Bold Limited Diamond Edition is customized with the buyer’s choice of pink, yellow, black, champagne and white diamonds. The back of the phone is also customized with leather, crocodile or snake skin, or denim—each available in at least two different colors. Of course, it also has all the standard features of the BlackBerry Bold.

Amosu BlackBerry Pearl Diamond Edition The Knalihs Athem BlackBerry isn’t the first BlackBerry to get the diamond treatment—Amosu released their own BlackBerry Pearl Diamond Edition in 2008. The diamonds used to make this particular phone were recyclable—owners could have them refit to their next BlackBerry when the Pearl became obsolete. Sold for over $88,000, the Amosu BlackBerry came with a concierge service giving purchasers access to a variety of luxury services.

So which one is the most expensive BlackBerry in the world? Unfortunately, the price of Knalihs Athem’s BlackBerry seems to have been filed under “If you have to ask, you’ll never know.”


[Source: Most-Expensive Journal]